DevStack Installation


  • Ubuntu 16.04

  • At least a network interface with an IP address already assigned

  • At least 2 cores (or more, depending on number of VMs)

  • 8 GB RAM (or more, depending on number of VMs)

  • 40 GB Disk

Step 1: Prerequisites

Install prerequisites and create user stack

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git

sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -d /opt/stack -m stack
echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" \
    | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/stack

Switch to user stack and checkout ocata branch

sudo su - stack
git clone
cd devstack
git checkout stable/ocata

Step 2: Install DevStack

Create a local.conf file in the devstack directory and populate it with the content of this file. Inside the file, lines 28-31, Ip addreses must be adapted to match the IP address of the network interface that should be used. Lines 44-48, you can set your desired password for different components of devstack. Lines 121-125 are related to devstack networking configuration. We use the PROVIDER-network option where guests are spawned in the same network as the Devstack-controller. Change the value of these elements wherever needed and save the file. Then run the following command.

## This can take 20+ minutes.

With the successful installation of devstack, you should access devstack dashboard via this link: http://<HOST_IP>/dashboard

Step 3: Create new user and project

Login as admin user in domain Default and create a new user (e.g. pishahang) under the OpenStack dashboard menu Identity->User (Create User). While creating the user also add a new project (e.g. pish-project, remember project and tenant is the same) and allocate the maximum number of resources for that project under Quotas tab (OpenStack Project Quotas). This is important otherwise the deployment of service from Sonata will fail. Also, give the admin role to the new user so that it has all the access otherwise the deployment may fail.

Step 4: Configure guest VM connectivity

At this point DevStack is running but connectivity of guest VMs is limited (No internet access, hence no downloading of software to run on guest VMs; one cannot ssh into guest VMs). To enable internet access from guest VMs an iptables rule needs to be added.

Modify eth0 to match the interface name with the IP address configured above (HOST_IP).

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

To be able to ssh into guest VMs security group rules of OpenStack need to be modified.

source devstack/accrc/admin/admin

openstack security group rule create --proto icmp --dst-port 0 default
openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --dst-port 22 default
nova secgroup-add-rule default icmp -1 -1
nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 22 22

Usage hints

User credentials

As user stack one has to source the admin credentials located in /opt/stack/devstack/accrc/admin/admin before being able to issue commands starting with openstack, like openstack network list (There is also a demo account that is created automatically in /opt/stack/devstack/accrc/demo/demo which has less privileges).


source /opt/stack/devstack/accrc/admin/admin
openstack project list
openstack network list


After a reboot of the machine DevStack will not run anymore. Login as user stack and re-run
